I Have A Dream, Too!

Do you pay attention in how fast time goes by? Before we realize, times has passed by and all the dreams we had for our future have not yet come true. The main cause is because our dreams are just dreams and haven’t yet become goals. Life is not like a Nintendo game. You must live your life because you only live once. The only way to achievement our goals is to know what we want to plan in life and how to get it. Therefore, we must fulfill those precious one called DREAMS during the rest of our life.
            I have also a dream in life. Whenever my parent asked me if what I will want to be in the future, I simply answer “I want to be a teacher…. I want to be a policeman”. I even dreamed to be like Dr. Jose Rizal someday but it seemed to be impossible because Dr. Jose Rizal is such an extra-talented and intelligent man.  But if you will ask me know, I will tell you that I have many dreams.
First, I want to become a Certified Public Accountant so that I can help my family who guides me all the way in my journey. For me to be able to achieve this career in life, I will have to study more than ever and to have a high grades. It doesn't matter even if my parents aren't proud of me but the important is I am doing the right thing.
Second, one of my dreams is to travel around the world - to go to places like Japan, Korea, China, Singapore, America at Spain. Yes, you can call me ambitious but I don’t care. I have always been curious about other culture and the differences between the people in the different places. Furthermore, I would love to eat different kinds of food.

            But my goal for this time is to achieve in getting my diploma – one of the keys to accomplish my goals and dreams. After being a professional, I will then want to start a family with my wife together with our two children.


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