From Babel to Babble . . . Everyone is Speaking English

         For the past few years, the English language conceded the million-word mark. That shouldn't come as a surprise since over a billion Earthlings speak English that makes for a lot of word-coiners out there. And where are all these new words coming from? Hollywood? Technology? In the Internet? Youth speak? How do world events--from tsunamis and hurricanes to political doublespeak and presidential linguistic bumbling--influence the words we use on a daily basis? What do e-mails, text messages, and emoticons contribute to the language? Let me take this opportunity to take you into a global tour of English-speaking worlds. From different countries like Japan, China, Philippines, Singapore to Spain, U.S and Greece. From movies, film, radio, games, business, politics, sports, technology and science. And from every contributor that contributes to the universal embroidery of English. Get ready for a tumultuous tour of our progressive global culture and how it becomes that way.           

          According to what I have read online.  Podcast, Chinglish, truthiness, and crunk were nonsense to most English speakers just a year or two ago. But nowadays, they are just popping up in everyday conversation worldwide. In a statistics where it says “Stimulated by the universality of the Internet-where it is the de facto lingua franca-and the global reach of its media, English is growing at a rate unprecedented in its 1500-year history. Indeed, in the spring of 2007, the English word count surpassed a 
million—over ten times the number available in French”. This only means that the English language is globally affected by the modern technology like the internet. Because of the modern technology, people are also having new lingo. But as we discover new language, we’re also deteriorating our proficiency in English. Like for an example, the Jejemon style or the Jeje Monster style is now invading the texting world. Instead of using the right word, people do use of Jejemon words which can be a huge factor in the deterioration of our English proficiency. Maybe those people just want to express their creativeness but they should limit it.   
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          Galatians 3:28, “There is not a male and female, for you are all one in Jesus Christ. Let us follow the example of God, to be perfectly fair and just at all times.

          It is fact that there’s only one Creator who made all the things and living organism on Earth and created us, human beings. We are so exceptional and blessed for we were given that high standard of thinking ability which was not given to other creations. "We are all born naked and no one is born with clothes." Do you know what it means? It means that we are all born equal and no one is superior to the other. He created us equally so that we can continue and go on with this journey of life. We all have equal rights and opportunities whether you are rich or poor, thin or fat, man or woman, or even young or old. We were all once born in this world and given an equal chance for us to write our own story of our life.  He didn't want inequalities among each of us.
          All of us have the right to learn and expand our knowledge about everything. All of us have the right to love and be loved. All of us have the opportunity to be successful in life. All of us have our rights and opportunities and no one have the right to take it from us.   
          But ever since, discrimination has always been a part of our culture. Let’s return back to the time long ago before women were discriminated. Women were not permitted to study; they stay at home and just do the household chores. It’s good that today at our times there is what we call gender equality and gender awareness. Now, women are free, nobody holds them by the neck and they can fly as high an eagle could even soar.
          In the other hand, discrimination always invades. During these days, people are classified into classes according to the financial status which should not be. Rich people look at poor people lower as them. They are showing them that they are much higher and can buy or eat everything they want. We are all people. Even if they’re rich, they do not have the right to step on the rights of poor people. Look at what is happening now about the Pork Barrel Scam. Our government allotted a house for the criminal Janet Napoles even if she stole a large amount of money.  They should treat her the way they treat those criminals on the prison. This must not prevail in our country.

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