Responding to Climate Change. . . . . . . . .

" Once you damage the environment, it will take a long period to recover. " ~ Dalai Lama, Tibet's exiled spiritual leader.

GREEN Your Community
TRIM Your Waste
Let Polluters PAY

 Are you conscious of what’s happening nowadays? Different problems are striking our life like economic crisis, crime, corruption, global conflicts, wars and of course the most dangerous scenario that may totally damage one’s life is the climate change.
            Obstacles and problems to human had been brought by the climate change or the so-called global warming. Evidently, global warming is the measurable augment in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and landmasses. Scientists consider that Earth is currently facing a period of rapid warming brought on by rising levels of heat-trapping gases, known as greenhouse gases, in the atmosphere.
            One of the reasons why we are now experiencing climate change is because we are not taking good care of the environment. We keep on doing such things that can damage Mother Nature. Birds cry for they are doomed to die. What would become of humanity now? A forest takes in carbon dioxide and takes out oxygen for humans that are needed for the humans to survive. What will happen if trees will stop breathing? What could humans do? Surely, they will suffer then dies
            Many people are concerned that we are losing time to make a difference. Climate Change and its effects may be irreversible. Life could become very difficult for some populations, plant, animal and human. Species, cultures, resources and many lives could be lost.
            We must unite to stop illegal doings for we are one people, one planet, one earth. We must all remember that God gave us Mother Nature to give it care and love. We can help Mother Nature to boost back her greatness and magnificence. We should now respond to the challenge of controlling and preventing global warming


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            Gifts are things that can make others happy. It is not so much the size or the quality that counts. Rather, it is the thought that matters. A gifts is a symbol of love, of thoughtfulness, and a sign of one’s thankfulness in return for the good done.        

             Christmas is the season when we celebrate the first coming of the Lord as the Savior. He is the Promised Messiah. He is the Son of God who became incarnate. This means He became human like us. He is like us in everything except sin.
            The day of the Savior’s birth is called Christmas which means “Christ-with-us.” The Savior chose to be born poor in a manger in a humble city of Bethlehem. He was visited by the poor shepherds who were then watching their flock by night. The angels and the poor shepherds were the first visitors.
            This was the first coming of Jesus as a savior to fulfill His Father’s plan of salvation. This was the first Christmas.
            Every year the Church celebrates the Christmas season to recall the birth of Our Lord. After the four-week preparation in Advent, we rejoice at His coming. We believe that He came to bring us Light for we have been in the darkness of sin. But now he came to be our Light. He brings us joy because He is the gift to the Father when He comes again.
            During Christmas, we make everyone happy especially the poor people. We remember them most because Jesus loves them most. Whatever we do to them, we do it to Christ. We give gifts to one another as a sign of love and to give joy to one another.
            Jesus expects that we do not only make others happy but he wants that we become a light to others. By being good, kind, and generous to others, we make others see the goodness and kindness of God. By our good examples, we can lead others to lead good lives. By sharing out time to make others happy, we are giving them hope that life is not that bad at all and that we can be happy despite of difficulties in life.
            Christmas is the time when we commemorate the birth of our Lord. Before the feast, we have the nine days novena called the Simbang Gabi or the Misa de Aguinaldo. On the eve of the last day of the novena is the midnight mass to commemorate the time when Jesus was born in Bethlehem. We also have the “Dawn Mass” when we recall the first visitors of the Infant Savior. Then we have the “Morning Masses” when the whole nation come to adore and worship the Savior. This is the reason why this birth of the Lord is called Christmas.
            Every celebration of the Mass is Christmas because Christ is present among us. He is also present among us. He is also present to us in the Eucharist. And above all, He is present in each and every one of us especially among the poor people.

            We make our celebration joyous with Christmas songs and Christmas carols. Through these songs we are filled with joy that motivates us to accept others with love and joy. This the spirit poured on us by Jesus who came to be the Light of the world.
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From Babel to Babble . . . Everyone is Speaking English

         For the past few years, the English language conceded the million-word mark. That shouldn't come as a surprise since over a billion Earthlings speak English that makes for a lot of word-coiners out there. And where are all these new words coming from? Hollywood? Technology? In the Internet? Youth speak? How do world events--from tsunamis and hurricanes to political doublespeak and presidential linguistic bumbling--influence the words we use on a daily basis? What do e-mails, text messages, and emoticons contribute to the language? Let me take this opportunity to take you into a global tour of English-speaking worlds. From different countries like Japan, China, Philippines, Singapore to Spain, U.S and Greece. From movies, film, radio, games, business, politics, sports, technology and science. And from every contributor that contributes to the universal embroidery of English. Get ready for a tumultuous tour of our progressive global culture and how it becomes that way.           

          According to what I have read online.  Podcast, Chinglish, truthiness, and crunk were nonsense to most English speakers just a year or two ago. But nowadays, they are just popping up in everyday conversation worldwide. In a statistics where it says “Stimulated by the universality of the Internet-where it is the de facto lingua franca-and the global reach of its media, English is growing at a rate unprecedented in its 1500-year history. Indeed, in the spring of 2007, the English word count surpassed a 
million—over ten times the number available in French”. This only means that the English language is globally affected by the modern technology like the internet. Because of the modern technology, people are also having new lingo. But as we discover new language, we’re also deteriorating our proficiency in English. Like for an example, the Jejemon style or the Jeje Monster style is now invading the texting world. Instead of using the right word, people do use of Jejemon words which can be a huge factor in the deterioration of our English proficiency. Maybe those people just want to express their creativeness but they should limit it.   
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          Galatians 3:28, “There is not a male and female, for you are all one in Jesus Christ. Let us follow the example of God, to be perfectly fair and just at all times.

          It is fact that there’s only one Creator who made all the things and living organism on Earth and created us, human beings. We are so exceptional and blessed for we were given that high standard of thinking ability which was not given to other creations. "We are all born naked and no one is born with clothes." Do you know what it means? It means that we are all born equal and no one is superior to the other. He created us equally so that we can continue and go on with this journey of life. We all have equal rights and opportunities whether you are rich or poor, thin or fat, man or woman, or even young or old. We were all once born in this world and given an equal chance for us to write our own story of our life.  He didn't want inequalities among each of us.
          All of us have the right to learn and expand our knowledge about everything. All of us have the right to love and be loved. All of us have the opportunity to be successful in life. All of us have our rights and opportunities and no one have the right to take it from us.   
          But ever since, discrimination has always been a part of our culture. Let’s return back to the time long ago before women were discriminated. Women were not permitted to study; they stay at home and just do the household chores. It’s good that today at our times there is what we call gender equality and gender awareness. Now, women are free, nobody holds them by the neck and they can fly as high an eagle could even soar.
          In the other hand, discrimination always invades. During these days, people are classified into classes according to the financial status which should not be. Rich people look at poor people lower as them. They are showing them that they are much higher and can buy or eat everything they want. We are all people. Even if they’re rich, they do not have the right to step on the rights of poor people. Look at what is happening now about the Pork Barrel Scam. Our government allotted a house for the criminal Janet Napoles even if she stole a large amount of money.  They should treat her the way they treat those criminals on the prison. This must not prevail in our country.

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Reflect then Refract

          It has been five months since I first set foot in the world of being a senior. Months, Weeks, Days and hours have passed which means I am getting closer to the finale of High School Life- Graduation.

          The past second grading has been great. It was really fun and entertaining. The reason behind it is because of the moments we don’t expect to occur. Because of that “occurrence” our (IV-Maxwell) relationship became stronger than before. There were many happenings happen this grading period. Besides, I also enjoy our ICT class. Because of it, I was able to know and explore more about the HTML tags or Hypertext Mark-up Language tag. I enjoyed making the activities and exercise because it taught me how to properly make an HTML web site through the basics such as the hash tags and codes. This second grading period, I’ll promised to myself that I’ll do my best so that I will able to get high remarks in my study Moving on, I will strive to be better at my classes and especially ICT. I will try to be better at the things I do.

Here are the some links that can help you to learn more about HTML:
1. http://www.htmldog.com/guides/html/beginner/
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML
3. http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_summary.asp
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"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called Truth."

- Dan Rather
Teaching is really a noble profession. Teachers are the one who are liable in feeding the empty minds of students. Just think of it, without teachers, our world would be a desert. No building, no streets, no structures. So the engineers and architectures did their paramount shot just to give us a refuge.  Our world would be a home of criminals without those policemen and military forces who undertook synergy and taught us what security is. Our world would be full of viruses and bacteria without doctors who treat us well when we are having our illnesses. You see? There are a lot of things that a teacher can do. They are what we call “the armies of education”. You can never tell when a teacher's influence would be put to a halt.

Literally, we define a teacher as a person who edifies students in a school. But, don’t you know that our teachers can be our heroes too? Yes, they are! As I've said before that a hero is someone who is admired for his/her courage and has golden heart. And our teachers deserve that title. They are also our second parents. We usually call them “sir” or “ma’am” and can always find them on our school. They also teach us the things we don’t know and sacrificed their time just to feed us the knowledge we  must learn which serves as our path to our journey towards success. They are always on our sides to guide us whenever we have a problem.

To all the teachers out there, thank you very much and I salute you!

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Take Actions Today for Tomorrow’s Paradise

            The environment is our nature. Nature plays a vital role in our daily lives. It is where we are getting our needs and depending on for survival. Everything around us such as food, water, shelter and environment are provided by nature. It is also our greatest medicine for illnesses.

            Nowadays, we, people in the present have almost forgotten our responsibility for Mother Earth, our responsibility to maintain biodiversity. For others, it is easy for them to disregard our nature because they think that even if they are disregarding it, nature however will continue providing them their needs but they didn’t know that it vanishes bit by bit. Maybe the other reason is because of technology and industry. Technology and industry became more palpable to us resulting to a so far-off atmosphere from a normal environment. We can’t alter the fact that we still have reliance on the environmental world and all the things we are using and consuming are from it even if we are blinded by the modernization which is distant away from the nature.

            On the other hand, what if one day, our natural environment will vanish? What will happen to us?

            There are many unbridled catastrophes that are happening these days as we saw in the small screen, newspapers, or may have heard from the radio which greatly destroy our world and may affect our lives as well. We all know that we are on the “Pacific Ring of Fire” which means that our country is prone to natural phenomena. Floods, breaking down of rocks, landslides, mudflows, earthquake and volcanic eruption can cause casualties and extensive damages.

            You see? There are many worst effects which have great impact to the environment. We used to say this line “Save the Earth!” but are we doing actions or just let those words be blown away by the wind? As a science clubbers, it is our responsibility to protect, preserve, improve our nature and do some actions. To be able for us to open the door to a brilliant future, we must nourish and nurture the nature and we must joined arm together for one mission – the mission to bring science youth and make Mother Earth alive. We must help each other and save the nature, even in simply planting tree today, we may not know that it might become a forest someday. Let us protect the environment and it will defeat and shield us from catastrophes. 
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Super Fely: The Incredible Woman

          Heroes. I expect that by now you are able to discern who they are and what they do. But if you don’t, do not be bothered for the reason that I am gonna tell it to you. Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman, Thor, Cat Woman Iron Man, Hulk and others are some of the most famous heroes all over the world.  You know them, right? They are what we called super heroes. What do they have to be truly called as a hero? Well, they are all fictional characters. They can fly, run fast, strong and have super powers. But the true is they are only the result of our wild imaginations. They don’t really exist.
But if you want to see a real life hero, there is no problem. Just visit me at our domicile and you are going to see her, face to face and alive.

          The definition of a true hero for me is he/she is a person admired for his/her incomparable guts or actions. By means of the innovation of the world right now, an additional consignment of heroes are being added but as for me, the hero or heroine that I actually like and venerate does not have any special powers. Who is she? Of Course, my one and only mother, Fely. She’s the only one hero that stands out for me. She’s my hero because she never leaves me in times of problems and challenges and always cheers me up. I remember the time when I am making my school requirements. I don’t know that she is still awake even if it is late night already. At that time, I was touched because I realized that she’d done that because she loves me so much even if she’s already tired doing the household chores. She wants to make sure that we’re secured and safe. She also helps me in making my projects all the time. Even though she doesn’t know the concept that I am going to make, she is still there trying to help me. She gives me unconditional and immeasurable love. She’s always there whenever I need guidance in making decisions. She’s always there to my every need in a blink of an eye without depending on a go signal. Does Wonder woman can do all the things that my hero does? No, it is not. You can’t ever find a woman like her. My mother is incomparable. She is beyond those superheroes’ abilities.  

          To my MOM, Thank you for all the things and I am really sorry for all the terrible things I’ve done to you. I love you very much, MOM! <3. You are my life and the greatest woman of all, Mom.

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Filipino language: Must Relish...

         This August is the month wherein we are celebrating the "Buwan ng Wika" with the theme "Wika Natin ang Daang Matuwid".
         What is the real value of our Filipino language? Do we really appreciate or love our own language? What we are now if we don't know/have our own language or native language?
          We all know that each country has its own language. Language serves as a bridge for us to understand each other. It is also a way for us to tell our opinions or tenet. It is the reason why communication is possible. Our language is crucial for the development of our country because it helps us to explain the things we want to express.
          Our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal once said, " Ang hindi marunong magmahal sa sariling wika, daig pa ang amoy ng malansang isda", wherein he epitomizes that we should admire and prioritize the use of our national language,Filipino.I agree on what he had said because it is the duty of every Filipino to love and use their respective mother tongue which guides us in our day-to-day living. Our own language is the one which will lead us to go through the right path. The Filipino language is the answer to our questions. God gave us our own language so that we, Filipinos, will unite toward the betterment of all. We must always bear in mind that using your own language is favorable and must be done. The reconstruction of the Filipino language depends on us, Filipinos, to bring strength of being a Filipino. Using our own language will largely contribute towards the maturity our country, Philippines

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         When I first heard and thought about our subject TLE ICT IV, the very first thing that came into my mind is that it would so challenging for me to learn the lesson? I also asked myself if I will be able to go with the flow.
          Why? It is because I heard form the students last school year that it will focus a lot on photo editing and blogging. I don't have the interest when it comes to matters like this because for me I Think I only have a few ideas about this kind of activity. Although we were already introduced to concepts of blogging when we are still on the third year using Wordpress.com. But later, I had developed my desire for it. I am still posting posts on my blog. I really enjoy blogging because it is a one way for me how to express my insights on a certain issue.
           And as school days gone by, after we had tackled its history, definitions, disadvantages and advantages blogging can provide, in just a blink of an eye I feel that I'm starting to love in posting blogs.
           So far, so good, there are still no challenges that I have encountered with our subject this first quarter because were still in the beginning or basics and I know that Mrs. Vera Cruz, our teacher, is always there to teach us everything she could just to feed our young minds with ideas that will help us create a better outlook.
            The best thing I have learned in this subject is that, it is not only about achieving very high grades instead it is the knowledge and the experiences that you are having which you can apply into your daily living.
            Moving on, I will strive harder in our ICT subject but not to acquire higher grades, instead, in order to develop my skills. I will be more serious on my studies so that I would not create again the same mistakes that would cause to failure. I will surely do my best to reach my dreams in life and to be successful in the future.
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First things first!


  In the 4th State of the Nation Address of President Benigno Simeon “ Noynoy” Aquino III , he mentioned again his promise “daang matuwid" tungo sa pag-asenso ng Pilipinas.

          He started his speech few minutes before four o’clock in the afternoon last July 22, 2013 at the Plenary Hall, House of Representatives or more commonly known as Batasang Pambansa, Quezon City. His speech was long and full of data. He started his SONA by acknowledging the support provided by the people in his administration, including the winning of the nine senators whom he campaigned last May 2013 election.

          He said, the continuous increase of “ allies that will paddle in one or single direction” will help for the continuation of its objectives for the government. PNOY mentioned in his SONA about the projects/achievements of his administration in the past year. This includes the increasing of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) rate from 6.8% in 2012 to 7.8% in the first quarter of 2013, increase in the employment rate of those who graduated in TESDA, the escalation of those who are benefited in Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Project, the implementation of K to 12 education system that aims to raise the quality of education, lowering of the level of rice importation, the expansion of the Z Benefit package of PhilHealth, the advancement of Project Noah and many more.

           As a summary, the president talked about his so much wanted change of old governance that dealt with the abuse of authorities caused by dominant public officials and employees. He wanted a straight path walk of life for every Filipino.     But honestly, I can say that PNOY was very boastful in his SONA not because I don't like him but he presented all of his accomplishments although some are not that really true.One of the reasons is that some people are still launching rallies against him because according to them, he has not yeat fulfilled all of his sweet promises.

        The SONA is now implanted to our minds and could never be erased, not the words but the things we experienced through the past year. We still hope for the change he promise. We need our Boss.
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Hunger and Malnutrition, Let Us End It Together!

            Food is the basic need of man. It is the prerequisite to sustain life and maintain good health. In general, all organisms need food. However, man being the superior of all organism needs complex kind of food.          
           Nutrition Month is the annual campaign held every July to create greater awareness on nutrition among Filipinos (Presidential Decree 491 or the Nutrition Act of the Philippines. The National Nutrition Council(NCC) coordinates the nationwide celebration including the identification of an annual theme to focus on a priority nutrition concern.
           The 39th Nutrition Month celebration focuses on hunger with the theme "Gutom at Malnutrisyon, Sama-sama Nating Wakasan! the theme underscores the need for active multi-stakeholder participation to address the basic causes of hunger. The objectives of this year's celebration are to: a.) increase awareness on hunger issues and actions to mitigate hunger and malnutrition; b.) encourage stakeholders to contribute to addressing hunger issues; and c) advocate for stronger political action to end hunger.
           Hunger is a condition in which people do not get enough food to provide the nutrients for fully productive, active and healthy lives. Prolonged hunger can lead to malnutrition and even death. Hunger is a form of food insecurity. There is no hunger when there is food security or when 'all people, at all times, have physical,social and economic success to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
           The NNC Technical Committee has approved the focus of this year's Nutrition Month to focus on hunger. The reasons why they've decided it because, first, hunger is one of the worst forms of deprivation particularly because people do not enjoy their basic fundamental right - the right of food. second, there is also the need to fast track actions to reduce hunger to meet the first Millennium Development Goal on eradicating extreme poverty and hunger. Third, hunger incidence in the Philippines has worsened in recent years affecting more Filipino families. And fourth, addressing hunger contributes to national growth and development. 
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To the President's desk

St. Mary's Village
Pantay Daya, Vigan City
June 26, 2013

President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III
Republic of the Philippines
MalacaƱang Palace

Dear Mr. President,

               Good day sir!
               For the past administrations, our country had suffered too much problems. Then you came and you give a new hope to every Filipino. But what is the sense of hope if there's no improvement?
                Still these times, our country is suffering such problems. We cannot avoid these things. Ever since our country, the Philippines, had many problems. And one of them is the inadequate supply of something important. Like in our school sir, there is an inadequate supply of books in which , these are the main reason  of the students to go school. We all know sir that youth are the hope of our country. But how can they become hope if there's no enough supply of books in which we gain much knowledge and ideas. We all know sir that being a president is not easy. But we need a leader who will stand for us and not just listen to us.
               Mr. President, thank you for rendering your time in reading my letter. I do hope that you'll do what is good for us, your countrymen, because our country needs a change - a real positive change. You can be our hero, Sir!

Respectfully yours,
Edison A. Rabena
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